Monday 14 January 2013

The link to Pete's Media Blog

Here's the link to the evaluation guidance from Pete's Media Blog.

Sunday 6 January 2013

The Evaluation

The Mark Scheme
·         Excellent skill in the use of appropriate digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.

·         Excellent understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.

·         Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.

·         Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task.

·         Excellent ability to communicate.

Evaluation guidance:

  1. Create a separate blog post for each question.
  2. Don’t post long blocks of text; add pictures to illustrate your answers.
  3. You MUST use digital technology in your evaluation.
E.g. A PowerPoint uploaded using SlideShare or a Prezi. Go for variety; really try to demonstrate that you can use technology effectively.  Again add pictures to illustrate your answers
  1. Use as much media / magazine technical vocabulary as possible: connotations, masthead, generic conventions, coverlines, puffs, pugs,  house style, mode of address, brand identity…etc
  2. Start thinking about and drafting your evaluation as soon as possible!

Work flow for the next three weeks

Tasks to complete in lesson time
Tasks to complete in own time
Week beginning 7 January 2013
Finalise magazine design in response to audience feedback and individual feedback Louise will give you.

Post final magazine pages on your blog by the end of the week.

Make sure that blogs are up to date by referring to the checklist on my blog.

Begin to draft the evaluation. The questions with guidance are on my blog.

Week beginning 14 January 2013
Work evaluation.

Work on evaluation.
Week beginning 21 January2013
 No more lesson time to work on coursework. Complete any outstanding work in your own time.

Final deadline for all work to be completed and posted on blogs: 25 January 2013